New Release: My Life Story by Becky Lynn Black
Energion Publications is pleased to announce the forthcoming release of My Life Story by Becky Lynn Black. The book is available for immediate pre-order at a 30% discount via Energion Direct, and is expected to be officially released on February 14, 2014.
In describing the ideal manuscript submission for Energion Publications, the fifth (but not the least important) of five criteria is:
Personally involved — The manuscript reflects not just what the author has studied but what he or she has lived. Even if it is a very philosophical book it should serve as a testimony. It should bear witness to a life of faith.
This book fulfills that criterion in an extraordinary way. It is a testimony. But it also fulfills the rest. It is challenging, faith-affirming, clear, and applicable. It’s easy to argue with a book of theory. One can suggest that it is impossible to follow the guidance offered. But in this story, you will be challenged by someone living what she believed.
Is God calling you to a life of service? Becky Lynn Black’s testimony will challenge you to say yes. It affirms that with God, you can do it.